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Kevin S View Drop Down
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    Posted: 02 June 2003 at 6:26pm


I’m currently running your newest version and have some questions/possible problems about this product. I've decided to run this program with 3 of my isps and they are currently generating about 50k emails a week. It’s a bit difficult to find the false positives from the logs, but not impossible. The thing I find most difficult is the fact that I have to save the log myself, and then do a find from something like word to hunt down false positives due to the amount of traffic I am generating.

Now, I would like to be able to add the rest of my isps to the filtering, but I would be generating something along the lines of 200K+ of email a week. (We handle ALOT of traffic for isps. This is going to make it just about impossible to check for false positives in any timely manner. So my questions are this:

Can/Could there be a parse or some form of filtering that could be done on the activity log to help narrow down a customer/email to find false positives? (Meaning a find option field that would check in the log before you back it up to find false positives.)

Is there/will there be a way to have the logging automatically save to a log file (even better yet, a SQL dbase?)

I would like to commend you guys on this great product; I am really impressed on the way the software is performing so far!

Btw, George thanks for your help on suggesting/helping out with this!

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Desperado View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Desperado Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 June 2003 at 10:05pm

What platform are you running on?  I handle around 40,000 messages a day and when I need to check my log, I TS into my server and just open it with wordpad or notepad.  I just can't save (wouldn't want to) it because it is still being written to by the server and so the copy I am looking at is only up to date as of the moment I open it.  My logs are around 35-40meg so it can take a bit to open but still, I don't seem to have a problem.

Any SMTP server log get kind of nasty to deal with at this level but these are at least more "English" than Sendmail logs!

Dan S.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 June 2003 at 11:38pm


The SpamFilter's activity log is flushed to the current logfile on disk every 60 seconds, so there should not be any need for you to manually save the logs. The logs are rotated at midnight, and a new file is generated each day. You should be able to use Notepad (or better TextPad...) at anytime to view any log, including the current one, which will be atr the most 60 seconds stale.

FYI, we've just uploaded minutes ago a new beta build that features a database-driven quarantine. Please check our forum post for more info, but in short the quarantined emails are stored in a database (Access, MS-SQL, MySQL, Oracle) for ease of access. Multiple SpamFilter servers can use the same database, thus centralizing the quarantined items.

Hope this helps!

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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