As of SpamFilter ISP version, following is the updated order of the filters. In red are the blacklists, in green the whitelists:
- Cached IP blacklist
- Greylist
- Whitelisted IP
- Whitelisted Email Address To
- Whitelisted EMail Address From
- Whitelisted Email From Domain
- Whitelisted Auto White List Force Delivery
- Exceeded MaxMsgSizeForSpamFiltering
Keyword Whitelist- Allowed Domains
- Local IP Blacklist
- Local Domain Blacklist
- Local Emails Blacklist
- Local Emails TO Blacklist
- Not in Authorized TO Emails
- Country Blacklist
- Reject No Reverse DNS
- Reject Empty Mail From
- Reject Same To From Email address
- Reject if Recipient's email in Honeypot email list
- Reject if IP in Honeypot-generated auto-ban list
- Reject Same To From Domain
- Recipient Count > Max RCPTTO
- MX Record check
- SFDB Filter
- SPF Filter
- MAPS check
- SFDC Filter
- Blank emails with attachments only
- Spam Images in PDFs
- Attachment Filter
- Keywords
- Image Filtering
- Bayesian Filtering
- SURBL check
- Resolve URLs and check IPs in MAPS
- Antivirus Plugin
Please note the availability of the following option in the SpamFilter.ini file to handle exceptions with the first two blacklists that take priority over the whitelists:
;Add any IPs (separated by commas - no wildcards) that you do not wish to be automatically added to the Honeypot IP blacklist. This setting also prevents those IPs to be added to the IP cache blacklist, and to allow them to bypass the greylist filter
Edited by LogSat - 12 March 2016 at 8:56am