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open administration console

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john.yassa View Drop Down

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    Posted: 29 March 2010 at 11:35am
i have installed the Spam Filter ISP on my windows server
but when i login in console i am able to see everything , but when any one else login at the same time remotly he was not able to see the spam filter updates like (connections or greylisting .............)
does spam filter allow more than one administratio console to be opened at the same time from different users
your feedback is highly recomended
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LogSat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 March 2010 at 11:22pm

We replied via email to the similar question you sent us earlier by email, but in case other have a similar question when browsing thru the forum, I'll include the same answer here:

In regards to the "administration console", please note that the SpamFilter service presents a console to whoever is logged in to the console (the "real" physical monitor) on the server, or is terminal serviced to in on the "console" session of Remote Desktop. I'm including a section of our manual below, which explains how SpamFilter can be executed. 

SpamFilter Service / Console Application
SpamFilter can run in two different ways.
As a Windows service (the most common - SpamFilterSvc.exe).
As a standalone application using SpamFilter.exe. This is mostly used for troubleshooting and testing purposes.
If SpamFilter is already running as a service, subsequently running the standalone application (SpamFilter.exe) will open a new instance of SpamFilter, it will not be the GUI for the service. This will most likely create a conflict, as two applications cannot bind to the same port on a server.
Please note that the SpamFilter service does show display a GUI (launched from an icon in the tray bar), but if you are accessing a Windows 2000 server remotely using Terminal Services will not be able to display the GUI. This is because Terminal Services in Windows 2000 is not able to display the server's physical console.
Looking at the physical server's screen, or using a product like PCAnywhere, DameWare, VNC etc that displays the actual screen will reveal the console.
Microsoft fixed this limitation in Windows 2003. In this version of the operating system, Terminal Services allows RDP clients to connect to the server's console.
Some Terminal Services clients have a checkbox in their settings that forces them to connect to the console. In the Remote Desktop client that ships with Windows XP, Microsoft (in)conveniently decided to not make this checkbox available. In this case, to view the server's physical console, you'll need to invoke Remote Desktop from the command line as follows:
mstsc �/console
Please note that some newer versions of the Terminal Services client and in Microsoft Vista, the command is:
mstsc /admin

Roberto Franceschetti

LogSat Software

Spam Filter ISP
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