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Usable Web Interface ?

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Web Interface Mods
Forum Description: Open to all users who wish to share their quarantine web interface modifications
Printed Date: 14 February 2025 at 12:26am

Topic: Usable Web Interface ?
Posted By: Lee
Subject: Usable Web Interface ?
Date Posted: 25 October 2006 at 1:53pm

Does any one have a usable interface they have built or modified from the stock one ?

This could be a very beneficial feature of SF but in the current state is barely usable. I hate to write one if someone is further along with a ASP or PHP version.

Any help ?


Posted By: Kevin
Date Posted: 02 November 2006 at 2:58pm

Good afternoon Lee, I just have a quick question for you regarding your post.  What type of interface features are you looking for?  The stock one for the registered version appears to be just what my users were looking for.  I will be making adjustments to it to better fit our site and users taste but the functions are all there.


Just wondering, perhaps I could help.

Kevin -


Posted By: johndpatriot1
Date Posted: 03 November 2006 at 2:34pm

Lee,  Many people have updated this interface with all sorts of neat features.  Ours allows the following:

 - Daily email to users listing all spam in there spam filter list

 - Multiple email addressess so that a user only has to check on place

 - Admin can view all spam to quickly find what a user is looking for

Posted By: brekkjen
Date Posted: 13 November 2006 at 7:41am

John, I would be very interesting in the features you list there if you are willing to share them.


Posted By: pulsar
Date Posted: 13 November 2006 at 12:23pm
John, We too would be very interested in the features you list there if you are willing to share them. We are on a windows environment with 59 servers and the new SF Enterprise "User Authentication" features are not freindly to Windows configurations. 

Posted By: Lee
Date Posted: 14 November 2006 at 9:43pm

John you hit a lot of the high points of what I have looked for. When your code emails them their spam can they select to send/release individual emails or do they go to the web site ?

Either way it sounds like you have a good working solution.

I would love to see the code if you don't mind.


Posted By: johndpatriot1
Date Posted: 23 November 2006 at 11:29am

Thanks all for the interest,  I believe I have sent each of you a copy of the code.  If not,  Please PM me with an email address.  Sorry for the delay.



Posted By: pgus
Date Posted: 30 November 2006 at 5:14pm

John, can send me a copy to?

Thanks in advance


Posted By: hdokes
Date Posted: 04 January 2007 at 8:05pm
Say John,

We are a registered user of the spamfilter program and are looking to implement the web interface feature. Would you mind sending me a copy of your code as well? Any features we add to it we would be more than happy to reciprocate with.

Thank you.

Posted By: pulnix
Date Posted: 26 November 2007 at 1:40am

Hi John,

Pardon for being late. I was searching for spamfilters on google and just found this page. I do need a copy. Can you plz send it?

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Posted By: Stupid
Date Posted: 29 November 2007 at 12:17pm
you can download a trial version here -

Posted By: Pignet
Date Posted: 10 December 2007 at 1:21am
I would love to get the demo code, but I am unable to get to the site listed.

Posted By: Jimmy123
Date Posted: 31 December 2007 at 6:30am
hi ,
                     plz show me site where can you add my coding

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Posted By: Amadeus0125
Date Posted: 12 March 2009 at 7:13am
Hi All,
I ma having some problem with MX record when I turn this filter on for I think all the outside domains like yahoo, hotmail and a couple others I noticed ,X-SF-HELO-Domain:, X-SF-Originating-IP:, X-Rejection-Reason: 16 - 557 Your domain does not have a valid MX DNS record.
X-SF-SPAM: Y, Could that be something on my DNS server?

------------- - 70-293

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 12 March 2009 at 5:29pm
Yes, it's possible, as does have a valid MX record.

Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP

Posted By: morten44
Date Posted: 22 June 2009 at 5:58pm
Can anyone tell me if this is still working. I follow link to download trail, but the order button is not working. Just want to make sure that if I use it I can continue to use it after trail is over

Posted By: AndrewD
Date Posted: 25 October 2010 at 9:48pm
I know this is a VERY old thread. But if anyone is still looking for a usable interface then please have a look at -

Spamfilter web interface.


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