Both SpamFilter ISP "standard" and "Enterprise" have the same exact functionality with LDAP integration, so you can use either version.
As you are able to obtain a successful authentication when filling in the "Search base DN" with "", that indicates that your connection settings and the search mask are working correctly.
The default search mask below: (|(sAMAccountName=%0:s)(uid=%0:s)(mail=%0:s))
is used to locate the specific user in the LDAP structure. The syntax above means that the "%0" place holder will be replaced by the username, and that the three attributes:
sAMAccountNAme uid mail
will all be tested to see if they match the username. If any of them match, that will trigger a positive match. According to the ldap structuure you included in the posting, you are most likely getting a "hit" on the "uid" attribute, indicating the default mask we provide works in your environment.
Now going back to your issue when the base dn is empty, SpamFilter does need a base DN to tell SpamFilter from where to start searching in LDAP. Your root domain is specified as "". That would actually normally be indicated with something like "o=myDomains,o=com". If the LDAP structure is configured accordingly, this would allow you to specify a base dn of "o=com" with all your domains branching underneath it:
o=com o=mydomains ou=People o=myotherdomain ou=People
You may also be able to configure your LDAP server to handle referrals, and to provide a reference to which servers handle the other domains. SpamFilter should follow LDAP Referrals accordingly.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP