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Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: List index out of bounds

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 06 February 2025 at 6:48pm

Topic: Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: List index out of bounds
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: List index out of bounds
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 5:24am

I've got the following when receiving incoming messages:

04.07.03 15:06:58:284 -- (2136) Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: List index out of bounds (142)
04.07.03 15:06:58:284 -- (2212) Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: List index out of bounds (27)

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 7:55am

I'm assuming this and the previous post are for the beta release, correct? Can you also let us know if they are isolated error or if once you receive one, every single message results in an error?

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07 April 2003 at 12:34pm


I've send you my log files concerning those errors.


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