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Spam Tagging

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 08 February 2025 at 8:50pm

Topic: Spam Tagging
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Spam Tagging
Date Posted: 02 April 2003 at 12:00am

Have you ever thought about "tagging" spam and still delivering it. It would be nice to be able to put a tag like [**** THIS IS SPAM ****] in the subject line. Using this you could build spam rules on the client and also help you build your whitelists/blacklists. Don't get me wrong I love quarantine option but it leaves the IT department making decessions about what to deliver and what not to.

Just a thought...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 02 April 2003 at 12:00am

An option to completely delete spam from certain Blacklisted FROM:, TO:, and DOMAIN lists would help keep the quarantine list cleaner also. Since the addtition of blocking TO: list, my quarantine list has grown out of control.

For example: Quaratine all of the FROM: and DOMAIN blacklists, but delete all of the TO: entries.

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 02 April 2003 at 12:00am

We may be able to add a option for each blacklist "method" (ex. dns, ip blacklist, domain blacklist, to, from etc) to have emails matching that category either deleted or quarantined. Can't promise anything yet, but we'll try.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 02 April 2003 at 12:00am

Another great idea. Yes, admins and users could benefit from that. I believe we can add the option to tag the subject within the next couple of builds.

Roberto Franceschetti LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 02 April 2003 at 12:00am

Doesn't this sort of defeat the purpose of Spam Filter ? Maybe I am missing the application for this but my goal is to automate as much of the handling of spam as possible. If you tag it and pass it on then haven't you simply deferred the issue to the client workstation ?

The problem with dealing with Spam on the client workstation is this doesn't solve the problem of inapproprate and offensive spam. Also the work load is simply shifted to the user instead of at the server where it belongs.

Just a thought.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 02 April 2003 at 12:00am

There may be applications for this that we're not aware of. Maybe the destination SMTP server is able to look at tags and handle them in a certain way implementing its own quarantine method more efficiently. Or maybe the administrator can implement server-side rules on an Exchange server for example to store tagged emails in a separate Outlook folder. I think as long as there is an option to enable/disable the feature, it won't hurt to have it there.

Roberto F. LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 24 February 2004 at 12:01pm

I would like to see the subject line tagging - this is what is holding me back from purchasing.  This function adds visibility to the users and "C level" people that something is being done.  With JUST the header being changed you MUST use outlook as your mail client in order to use (client only) rules, Exchange 2000 will not execute rules that look in the headers.  This means Outlook Web access users cannot creat rules to move/delete spam. 

We take this approach (clients create rules) to avoid someone jumping down our throats because something was deleted that should not have been.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 25 February 2004 at 12:01am


We've updated our internal alpha build to include subject spam tagging. You may find the updated beta executables at" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. -" CLASS="ASPForums" TITLE="WARNING: URL created by poster. - . Please note that this beta has other fixes as well, which will require you to manually delete your SpamFilter\corpus directory contents before starting it.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

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