; a true after an ordb entry means their DNS is expecting the IP to be reversed ; i.e. to test a connection from they expect [blacklists] site1=bl.spamcop.net, true site2=sbl.spamhaus.org, true site3=relays.osirusoft.com, true site4=spam.dnsrbl.net, true site5=dnsbl.njabl.org, true ;site6=dun.dnsrbl.net, true [server settings] ; dns - your DNS server dns= ; SpamFilter can be limited to listen on one or more specific IPs. Leave empty for all IPs, or separate multiple IPs with a comma "," ;ListenIP= ;or.... ;ListenIP=, ListenFQDN=my_mailserver.mydomain.com ListenPort=25 ;The email address to use in Error Replies to senders ErrorHandlerEmailAddress="System Administrator" ; DestinationServer is where you want all mail received by SpamFilter to be forwarded to DestinationServer=mydomain.com DestinationPort=25 ; AllowPercent is used to accept (AllowPercent=1) or reject (AllowPercent=0) emails containing the % character. ; Many SMTP servers are susceptible to being tricked into relaying with this. ; Ex. if you are netwide.net, then a spammer can use ; mail to: joe%yahoo.com@netwide.net ; to relay mail to joe@yahoo.com if your server is vulnerable ; Setting AllowPercent to 0 rejects ALL recipients email addresses conatining the % sign AllowPercent=0 ;log daily activity to logfiles Logging=1 ListenIP= MultiThreaded=0 MaxInboundConnections=100 ;Set this to 1 if you want to disable EHLO extensions DisableEHLO=0 ;Any emails whose text portion exceeds this number of KB will not be scanned for keywords and Bayes ;Higher values *may* catch more spam but will cause higher load on processor MaxMsgSizeForKeywordScan=64 ;Set RequireHELOBeforeMAILFROM to 0 if you do not want to require remote servers to issue a HELO or EHLO command before sending the email RequireHELOBeforeMAILFROM=1 ;Controls the minimum number of good and spam emails that must be received before the Bayesian filter kicks in MinEmailsForBayesKickIn=5000 ;by default SpamFilter will not allow any IP to relay thru it. Change DoNotTrustSelfByDefault to 1 if you want localhost to be able to relay DoNotTrustSelfByDefault=0 ;Remove any stale token in the corpus db.dat file that did not appear in incoming emails for the past n days CleanUpCorpusIntervalDays=7 ;Force disconnect of sessions after they have remained connected fro this long IdleDisconnectMinutesTimeout=15 ;if turned on, this will cause tokens in incoming emails being logged to screen with relevant probabilities ShowBayesianTokens=0 ; avoid being ourselves an open relay... ; enter here the recipient domains that SpamFilter will accept. ; I.E. if you are hosting netwide.net, then only emails addressed to user@netwide.net will ; be accepted and passed on to your DestinationServer. ; if your first entry is allow1=* then all emails will be accepted (not recommended) ; allow1=* [allowed domains] allow1=mydomain.com